Everything Starts with Finance ORIX Evolvrd by Creating Businesses

A Waste Processing Facility That Produces Resources

-ORIX Environmental Resources Management’s Yorii Plant, Making 100% Recycling Possible-

  • A Waste Processing Facility That Makes 100% Recycling Possible

    Did you know that ORIX operates a waste processing facility that enables 100% recycling? The facility processes general urban waste including household waste in addition to industrial waste.

    A Waste Processing Facility in Yorii is operated as a PFI* in Partnership with Saitama Prefecture.
    This facility, in Saitama Prefecture, differs from the concept of conventional incinerators; because it melts waste products at a temperature of 2,000 °C, it produces zero emissions of sintered ash or airborne ash, and suppresses the generation of dioxin to a minimum. The gas produced during melting is refined and used to fuel a power generator, and surplus electricity is sold to a power company. Moreover, this is a resource-producing waste processing facility capable of 100% recycling. The waste passes through various processes to be reused as resources such as material for asphalt (slag) and snow-melting agent (industrial salts). It is one of few facilities in Japan capable of 100% recycling, and is one of the largest operated by the private sector.

    PFI: Private Finance Initiative. A method of utilizing private sector financing and expertise to produce public facilities that are managed under private sector leadership.
  • How Did ORIX Come to Be Involved with Waste Processing Facility Operation?

    ORIX’s environmental business began when we started an intermediary service to help bridge the gap between our customers in leasing and lending who had waste processing needs and our customers who were waste processing companies, with services of the appropriate quality and cost.
    At the same time, as an owner of lease assets, ORIX was also appropriately processing tens of thousands of end-of-lease items every year. By taking this further step into the new market of waste processing industry, we accumulated knowledge and know-how to develop a network within the industry. As we did so, we were also attracted to the waste processing business and leveraged the PFI framework to utilize our knowledge of the business and of finance. In this way we have taken on the challenge of operating a state-of-the-art waste processing facility.
  • Carrying Out Our Social Responsibility through 100% Recycling

    This is what a long-standing business partner in the home-building industry had to say.
    "Manufacturers have a social responsibility to tackle recycling. But there are always items that a company cannot process by itself. We can discharge our responsibilities properly by asking ORIX to handle these items, which will then be completely melted down in an advanced processing facility, and 100% recycled."

    What started out as a new challenge led to the successful launch of a new business.
    Our goal is to assume part of social responsibility while meeting customers’ needs through business.
    That is the vision we have for our business.