Birth and Growth Harnessing
the Power of a Booming Economy
In April 1964, Nichimen Corporation (currently Sojitz Corporation) and Sanwa Bank (currently MUFG Bank) founded Orient Leasing Co., Ltd., which was to become the current ORIX Corporation. The two sought participation from an additional two trading companies and four banks. They were the Nissho Corporation, Iwai Sangyo Company (merged to form the current Sojitz Corp.) and Toyo Trust Bank (currently MUFG Bank), Japan Kangyo Bank (currently Mizuho Bank), Kobe Bank (currently Mitsui Sumitomo Bank) and the Industrial Bank of Japan (currently Mizuho Bank).
In the latter half of the 1960s and early 1970s, a period of sharp economic growth, ORIX established its corporate foundation by becoming a pioneer in the leasing business, which was then a new method of financing being introduced to Japan. Along with that economic boom, capital investment in the industrialized world increased, leading to the 1st leasing business boom. Under the leadership of President and Representative Director Tsuneo Inui (in post 1967-1980), by steadily accumulating lease assets and expanding its sales bases, the company shifted from engaging more shareholders and established the foundation of a more independent entity with its own direct-sales style and way of conducting transactions.